

葡萄新京 and Retreat Center welcomes people of all faiths to come, 寻求和平, 花时间祈祷, 为安静的反思腾出空间. 无论你是一个人来,还是跟团来,我们都欢迎你像基督一样来!

的 guesthouse is a destination for those who seek respite from worldly pressures and who seek to reconnect with God on a deeper and more personal level. 我们生命的核心是敬拜和赞美神. 的 daily prayer schedule for the celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) and the Liturgy of the 小时 (Prayer) 可以在这里找到. 我们邀请你成为本笃会祈祷传统的一部分.

撤退, 研讨会, and special events at the Abbey bring together people of different cultures and backgrounds from around the world.

请电邮至 retreat@mtangel.edu (我们首选的交流方式).

在邮件中, 请告诉我们你的名字, address, 电话号码, 你的静修日期, 还有什么特殊需要吗?.

We will get back to you by email to finalize arrangements and then call you for the $50.00元不可退还/不可转让的订金以保留预订. 到货后全额付款,我们将不胜感激.




安吉尔山修道院的修道士们 sponsor a number of spiritual retreats throughout the year at the guesthouse. 修道院赞助的静修提供了个人信仰更新的机会, 精神上的反射, 点心, 和奖学金. 一定要 参见静修日历 查看最新的静修活动列表. 除非另有说明,静修费用包括住宿和膳食.


的 guesthouse is an ideal venue for small faith-based groups to hold meetings, 研讨会, 或者过夜静修. 我们为会议和研讨会提供了一个美丽舒适的空间, 餐, 为你们组织的集体静修提供过夜住宿.

欲知详情,请与宾馆办公室联系, 包括价格和可用性, 以及专门针对私人团体举办务虚会的政策. 请发邮件给我们 retreat@mtangel.edu (喜欢沟通)或致电503.845.星期一至星期五办公时间3025. (在邮件中, 请告诉我们你的名字和小组, 你的静修日期, 需要会议区域和媒体, 还有什么特殊需要吗?.) 对于新到葡萄新京和静修中心的团体, a form to fill out will be mailed to you for more details about your retreat. 特殊的人, 预留额外空间, 复制, 媒体援助是额外费用.


的 community of 安吉尔山修道院 recently completed a two-year renovation and expansion project of the 葡萄新京 and Retreat Center. 的 facility now has an added 5,000 square feet of conference and meeting rooms. 这是理想的80人以上的团体, 有足够的空间留给安静的空间, 小型突破小组, 以及招待会或会议.


Many more people have come to realize the need for quiet time alone with the Lord away from usual routines. At 安吉尔山修道院 a person can have his or her own space while being nourished by the daily celebrations of the Divine Office and the Holy Eucharist with the monks in the Abbey church. 也有休息和安静散步的时间. 近年来,这种私人的、安静的静修越来越受欢迎. Contact us for current pricing which is inclusive of 餐: dinner on the arrival night through breakfast of the day departing. 请注意: 私人周末度假需要周五和周六晚上预订.


  • 从忙碌的世界节奏中休息
  • 安静是为了与神同在,更好地倾听神
  • 对情况和重要决定的洞察力
  • 阅读、学习或写作
  • 寻求神医治的恩典

如果情况允许,还会安排私人静修. Private retreats are generally scheduled during the week – Tuesday through Thursday – and not over the weekend. If it happens that a weekend group retreat is not completely filled, private retreats are possible.

葡萄新京 and Retreat Center is an extension of 安吉尔山修道院, 我们的修道院之家. 的 monks appreciate your understanding for those times when we are not available to receive guests.

St. Benedict teaches in the Holy Rule that monks should have a special concern for “pilgrims” and the poor. Following this counsel, the monks of 安吉尔山修道院 welcome all who truly seek God. 的 retreat rooms of the guesthouse do not have television or air conditioning and are not intended for use as “motel” accommodations.

在检查了静修日历之后, 价格和房源请与宾馆办公室联系. 请发邮件给我们:retreat@mtangel.Edu(首选通讯)或致电503.845.星期一至星期五办公时间3025. (在邮件中, 请告诉我们你的名字, address, 你的静修日期, 还有什么特殊需要吗?.)


  • 除非客人主管特别批准并在日程上注明, 所有的静修——私人的和团体的——都以星期天的弥撒结束. We need at least the 24 hours of time for cleaning and arranging spaces in order to be able to receive guests beginning on Monday evening.
  • 不可退还的房间押金和您的联系方式-电话, 电子邮件和邮寄地址-需要完成预订- $50.00英镑或逗留总金额的10%,以较高者为准. 到货后全额付款,我们将不胜感激.
  • 入住时间为下午3点至晚祷前5点15分. 退房是在客人离开的当天上午10点. Group retreats should refer to their reservation letter for specific check-in and check-out days and times.
  • 宾馆每天晚上9点左右锁门. Front doors reopen in the morning around 5 am; lower level doors around 7 am.
  • 当您离开/退房时, please strip the bed of sheets and pillowcases and take the towels from the bathrooms and place them in a pillowcase. Leave the linens outside the room so the housekeepers know the room is vacant. 在离开, please return your key to the dropbox at the front desk in the lobby on the parking/dining room level.
  • 请求私人休整的人, 要么在工作日,要么在周末休整, must understand that he/she will be sharing a table and 餐 with others as it happens during group retreats. It is also possible there will be activity in and around the building, depending on our schedule.
  • Most guestrooms at the 葡萄新京 and Retreat Center are furnished with full-size beds. 成人双人入住仅限于已婚人士, 就像罗马天主教对婚姻圣礼的理解一样. Each room has a private bathroom (with shower) and we provide bed linens and bath towels.
  • Although we provide small soaps, guests generally bring their own toiletries. 额外的毛巾或毯子可供客人自己使用.
  • 宾馆是无烟建筑. One may smoke on the west end of the building, or outside, at least 10 feet away from any entrance. 我们不允许在房间里燃烧蜡烛或熏香.
  • We are not able to accommodate pets at the guesthouse unless they are medically required service animals.
  • 失物招领处请拨打503向宾馆办公室查询.845.3025. 所有项目将保留一个星期, 在此之后,物品将捐赠给当地的慈善组织. 山天使修道院不负责丢失或被盗的物品.
  • In the Christian tradition 餐 are a “type” or spiritual remembrance of the Holy Eucharist, 主的晚餐. 出于这个原因, 餐 at the 葡萄新京 and Retreat Center are typically shared in common in the guesthouse dining room and on time.
  • 饭菜是由我们的宴会承办人准备的. If you have special dietary needs, please make these known at the time of registering your visit. We need time to make sure we can accommodate food sensitivities and allergies. Mealtimes follow those of our times of prayer and start promptly on this schedule: Breakfast follows Lauds, at 7:00 am; lunch follows Midday Prayer, at 12:15 pm; dinner follows Vespers, 下午6点. 星期天的早餐是在早上7:30.


罗马式修道院教堂 山顶上的生活中心是什么. You are welcome to gather with the monks for prayer or just enjoy the art, architecture and silence.

我们鼓励客人参观 安吉尔山修道院葡萄新京 你可以读到, 研究, and enjoy the ambiance of our renowned library with its outstanding collection of theological and historical works. 葡萄新京大楼, 由芬兰建筑师阿尔瓦·阿尔托设计, 房屋超过250间,000卷, 包括许多珍贵的书籍和手稿.

修道院博物馆 周三至周日上午10点至下午4点开放. 它的特色是来自太平洋西北地区和其他地区的文物, 包括北美哺乳动物收藏, 以及来自圣地的考古和其他珍宝.

修道院的书店 在历史悠久的新闻大楼里. 书店营业时间为周二至周六上午10点至下午4点. 星期六中午至下午1点关闭.

本笃啤酒厂和圣. 迈克尔酒吧 都位于山脚下吗. 地址是北汉伯特巷400号. 周三和周四开放, from 2 to 7 pm; Friday and Saturday, from 1 to 8 pm; Sunday: noon to 6 pm; closed Monday and Tuesday. 欢迎未成年人在成人陪同下入场. Bottles are available for purchase at the brewery and a limited supply is available at the bookstore.

美国邮政局 邮件可以存放在大厅桌子上的邮件箱里, 或者你可以穿过山顶走到集团有限公司官网邮局, 安置在新闻大楼. It is a full-service office, but with limited hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm.

St. 本笃教他的修道士们“像基督一样问候所有的客人”.” This is a Benedictine value that encourages each of us to grow in faith and charity. Greeting guests as Christ is our spiritual ministry and commitment at Mount Angel. (修道院院长杰里米·德里斯科尔)

要了解更多信息, 电子邮件我们 或拨打503.845.3025.