
安吉尔山修道院 hilltop walking tour

All are welcome to come and enjoy the walkways on the Abbey Hilltop. For the latest information about days and hours of operation for the Abbey’s bookstore, 教堂和葡萄新京请按此.

  1. Romanesque-style Abbey church is the center of life on the Hilltop. 欢迎你来 gather with the monks for prayer or just enjoy the art, architecture and silence. Monks gather at night around the statue of Mary, holding the child Jesus, near the front of the church, to sing traditional Marian hymns. 的 statue was carved in Austria in a 16th-century style and given to the Abbey in the 1930s. Other statues in the church include the sixth-century Saint Benedict and his twin sister Saint Scholastica. 的 Martin Ott Pipe Organ in the choir loft features 2,478 pipes. 的 choir stalls, front corridors and sanctuary are restricted to the monks.
  2. Monks live in the 修道院, the largest building on the Hilltop, located behind the church. Life for the monks is a gentle and regular rhythm of prayer and work.
  3. 钟楼 houses eight cast-bronze bells that call the monks to prayer. Each bell is named after a saint, and the largest weighs more than four tons. 的y are the largest free-swinging bells on the West Coast.
  4. Guardian Angel statue survived a catastrophic 1926 fire at the Abbey, and has welcomed guests for more than a century.
  5. 修道院博物馆 is located on the lower level of the monastery. 成立于1888年, this natural history museum was originally created as a study aid for the biology department in the (now closed) Abbey high school. 的 museum is open Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 am to 4 pm.
  6. Saint Benedict 宾馆 & 静修中心 welcomes people of all faiths to come and spend time in prayer and quiet reflection. To learn more about the recently renovated and expanded guesthouse accommodations and retreat opportunities, stop by the welcome desk in the main lobby (on the guesthouse parking level) or visit the make a retreat web page.
  7. Benedictine 啤酒厂 and St. 迈克尔的酒吧 is located at 400 Humpert Lane NE, just around the corner from Abbey Drive. 的 monks’ craft beer is also available in the Abbey bookstore (#11).
  8. 报喜 houses classrooms and offices for Mount Angel 神学院. 马赛克的图标, including a large mosaic depicting the 报喜 that graces the entrance, were designed by Brother Claude Lane, 修道院修士. (Not open to the public.)
  9. Damian中心 is home to the annual 阿比巴赫音乐节 and other cultural events, and also hosts seminary classes and student athletic activities. (Not open to the public.)
  10. 僧侣的墓地 includes the oldest building at the Abbey, a small chapel – the first on the Hilltop – built in 1883.
  11. 教堂书店 and 咖啡馆 is located in the Press Building, which is also home to the Saint Benedict Post Office, and the business and development offices. 的 store is open from 10 a.m. 到下午3点.m. Tuesday through Friday, and Saturday from 10 to 11:50 am and 1:15 to 3 pm.
  12. 要塞 is not open to the public. It was built in 1904 from rocks quarried on the Hilltop and has had various uses over the years, including studios for art, 陶器, 还有蜡烛制作.
  13. 安瑟伦大厅 provides classrooms and housing for students of Mount Angel 神学院, the oldest Catholic seminary in the western United States. (Not open to the public.)
  14. 安吉尔山修道院 葡萄新京, designed by Finnish architect Alvar Aälto, houses one of the most significant theological libraries in the Pacific Northwest. 的 library is open to the public on these days and hours.
  15. 阿奎那大厅 houses theology students studying to be Catholic priests. Enjoy the beauty of the majestic Cedar of Lebanon tree to the left of the entrance. (Not open to the public.)
  16. Sacred Heart of Jesus statue offers refuge in front of the monastery. 晴天时, look to the northeast for stunning views of Mount Hood, the tallest mountain in Oregon (11,234英尺). In the distance are Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier, all in Washington state.

山顶徒步游 1

Fourteen Stations of the Cross line the entrance road, each recalling the suffering and death of Jesus. 的 statuary is from Munich, Germany, and dates to 1889. Pilgrims often walk this path in prayer, and visit the Grotto of Mary at the top of the hill.


停车 is available below the Saint Benedict 宾馆 and 静修中心 on the south side, and in front of the Press Building on the north side of the Hilltop. Handicapped parking is available on the south side of Damian中心. Visitors parking by the guesthouse can access the mall through the guesthouse elevator or climb the stairs located near the guesthouse and 报喜 Hall.